CHEAP: Don’t be lame, game! Buy a 1TB PlayStation 4 Slim console for only $240

CHEAP: Don’t be lame, game! Buy a 1TB PlayStation 4 Slim console for only $240

Welcome to CHEAP, our series about things that are good, but most of all, cheap. CHEAP! If you haven’t accepted video games into your life, then, really, what are you doing? When somebody tells me they have zero interest in gaming, I feel the same sort of way when people say they don’t really like music, or movies, or painting. I mean, it’s art. How can you not? This isn’t to say you have to be spend all day glued to a controller and TV, but there are games out there that are truly magical, and are totally worth your time. Thing…

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CHEAP: Don’t be lame, game! Buy a 1TB PlayStation 4 Slim console for only 0
Source: The Next Web
