Apple brings back the PC guy to boast about M1 performance

Apple brings back the PC guy to boast about M1 performance

Apple’s big Arm-based M1 Mac announcements brought the company’s first Apple silicon-powered laptops in the form of the new MacBook Air, MacBook Pro, and Mac mini. But the event also had a surprising guest star: actor John Hodgman, reprising his role as the PC guy from Apple’s “I’m a Mac, and I’m a PC” commercials that it ran in the mid-2000s.

In the short video, Hodgman’s put-upon PC reacts to the announcement of Apple’s new M1 powered Macs, complaining about the improved performance and battery life that the new chip purportedly offers on the updated Macs, compared to what PCs can do. (Absent is Justin Long’s Mac character, who made up the other half of the ad spots.)

The original ads — launched in 2006, just after Apple had began its…

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Apple brings back the PC guy to boast about M1 performance
Source: New feed
