American Radio Relay League Confirms Cyberattack Disrupted Operations

American Radio Relay League Confirms Cyberattack Disrupted Operations

Roughly 160,000 U.S.-based amateur radio enthusiasts belong to the American Radio Relay League, a nonprofit with 100 full-time and part-time staff members.

Nine days ago it announced “that it suffered a cyberattack that disrupted its network and systems,” reports BleepingComputer, “including various online services hosted by the organization.”

“We are in the process of responding to a serious incident involving access to our network and headquarters-based systems. Several services, such as Logbook of The World and the ARRL Learning Center, are affected,” explained ARRL in a press release… [T]he ARRL took steps to allay members’ concerns about the security of their data, confirming that they do not store credit card information or collect social security numbers.

However, the organization confirmed that its member database contains some private information, including names, addresses, and call signs. While they do not specifically state email addresses are stored in the database, one is required to become a member of the organization.

“The ARRL has not specifically said that its member database has been accessed by hackers,” Security Week points out, “but its statement suggests it’s possible.”

The site adds that it has also “reached out to ARRL to find out if this was a ransomware attack and whether the attackers made any ransom demand.”

Thanks to Slashdot reader AzWa Snowbird for sharing the news.

Read more of this story at Slashdot.
