

Touch Screen Computing Touch Computing is growing rapidly and it will be the dominant trend of 2012 going into 2013. The Ipad or Android Tablets are not an alternative to desktop or laptop computers. They are an example of computing evolution. Touch technology being that feature that will replace the mouse. Windows 8 which is

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MSI Net, Inc.

MSI Net has been in the Communications, Networking, and Intranet/Extranets field since 1987. MSI Net has shown a steady increase in revenues over the past 25 years and has consistently maintained a profit throughout every quarter over these years. MSI Net has undertaken various projects where they have supervised/coordinated with managers, vendors and end-users. Benefits range from creating

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Windows Release Dates: A little History (- : Windows 2.0 (1987), Windows 3.0 (1990), Windows 95 (1995), Windows 98 (1998), Windows XP (2001), Windows Vista (2007), Windows 7 (2009) What does MSI Net have in common with these dates? We were there then and now supporting and maintaining every Windows OS version since their inception.

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