Reverse-Engineering the Conditional Jump Circuitry in the 8086 Processor

Reverse-Engineering the Conditional Jump Circuitry in the 8086 Processor

The condition PLA evaluates microcode conditionals.

As simple as a processor’s instruction set may seem, especially in a 1978-era one like the Intel 8086, there is quite a bit going on to go from something like a conditional jump instruction to a set of operations that the processor can perform. For the CISC 8086 CPU this is detailed in a recent article by [Ken Shirriff], which covers exactly how the instructions with their parameters are broken down into micro-instructions using microcode, which allows the appropriate registers and flags to be updated.

Where the 8086 is interesting compared to modern x86 CPUs is how the microcode is implemented, using gate logic to reduce the complexity of the microcode by for example generic parameter testing when processing a jump instruction. Considering the limitations of 1970s VLSI manufacturing, this was very much a necessary step, and an acceptable trade-off.

Each jump instruction is broken down into a number of micro-instructions that test a range of flags and updates (temporary) registers as well as the program counter as needed. All in all a fascinating look at the efforts put in by Intel engineers over forty years ago on what would become one of the cornerstones of modern day computing.
