Day: July 5, 2016

Symantec bugfest highlights the dangers of security software

If there’s a lesson to be learned from last week’s news that several Symantec enterprise and consumer endpoint security products have serious vulnerabilities, it’s that even security tools have exploitable flaws. Buyer beware and all that. Travis Ormandy, of Google’s Project Zero team, said the vulnerabilities in Symantec’s code are “as bad as it gets.”

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FBI faults Clinton's personal email system, but doesn't recommend prosecution

Hillary Clinton was “extremely careless” in her use of a private email server while she was U.S. secretary of state, but the FBI isn’t recommending any charges be brought against her for mishandling classified information. Speaking to reporters on Tuesday morning, days after the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation interviewed the presidential candidate, FBI Director James

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Mozilla's Servo is an early step to making Firefox more secure

Mozilla is showing off early builds of Servo, its new experimental rendering engine that is part of its plan to rebuild  Firefox from the ground up. While rewriting the rendering engine in Rust to avoid security flaws is a good step forward, Servo’s success could ultimately depend on what Mozilla decides to do with SpiderMonkey, the

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