Day: November 10, 2016

Latest Intelligence for October 2016

Number of new malware variants rises to over 96 million and global spam hits highest rate in nearly a year. Twitter Card Style:  summary Some of the key takeaways from October’s Latest Intelligence, and the threat landscape in general, include a sudden spike in new malware variants, spam reaching the highest rate in almost a

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Google punishes web backsliders in Chrome

Google said it will deal with website recidivists that have dodged the company’s punishments for spreading malware and spawning email scams. When Google flags sites for hosting malicious code or unwanted software, or running some kind of scam, users see warnings in Chrome and other browsers. The alerts appear as long as Google believes the

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Worries and uncertainty cloud outlook for digital privacy under President Trump

When President-elect Donald Trump officially takes office, he’ll inherit a powerful U.S. surveillance apparatus, including the National Security Agency, that’s already been accused of trampling over privacy rights. This has some legal experts worried, but like almost every other aspect of a Trump presidency, there are more questions than clarity over what exactly he plans

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Yahoo investigating if insiders knew of hack

Yahoo said investigators were looking into the possibility that some people within the company knew at the time about the late 2014 theft of information of at least 500 million user accounts. Law enforcement authorities on Monday also “began sharing certain data that they indicated was provided by a hacker who claimed the information was

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