Day: November 17, 2016

IBM sets up test range to practice fighting cybersecurity battles

IBM Security has launched a network-emulation environment where corporate teams can play out attack scenarios so they are better prepared for incidents they might face in the real world. The facility, called a cyber range (as in shooting range), provides a place for enterprises to practice incident-response, not only for their IT and IS staffs

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10 things you need to worry about in 2017

Each year, including last year, I’ve supplied you with “areas of concern”—that is, stuff that might not go well for you or our comrades in the coming 12 months. I’m happy to oblige once again this year with 10 items that may go bump in the night. Hadoop distributions Big data, analytics, and machine learning

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How to seek and destroy advanced persistent threats

With the rise of ransomware against hospitals, attacks against the Democratic National Committee (DNC), and even major tech CEOs getting hacked, no one is immune to having their information stolen. Today’s attackers are sophisticated, state sponsored, and armed with advanced techniques to hit specific targets. Despite an estimated $75 billion per year spent on security,

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