Day: February 22, 2017

New MacOS ransomware spotted in the wild

A new file-encrypting ransomware program for MacOS is being distributed through bittorrent websites and users who fall victim to it won’t be able to recover their files, even if they pay. Crypto ransomware programs for MacOS are rare. This is the second such threat found in the wild so far, and it’s a poorly designed

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Netflix Stethoscope gives users a BYOD security checkup

Medical professionals use stethoscopes to help diagnose problems inside the body. With Netflix’s newly open-sourced Stethoscope web application, users receive a security checkup for their mobile and computing devices without having to call IT. Although device management platforms like MobileIron or VMware AirWatch for mobile devices, JAMF for Macs, and LANdesk for Windows let IT

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Android ransomware requires victim to speak unlock code

Latest Android.Lockdroid.E variant uses speech recognition instead of typing for unlock code input. Publish to Facebook:  No Twitter Card Style:  summary Being a good listener is normally considered an admirable quality in a person; however, it isn’t a quality you necessarily want to find in a piece of malware. The latest variant of the Android

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