Study: Facial recognition AI’s alright, if you’re cisgender and white

Study: Facial recognition AI’s alright, if you’re cisgender and white

I’m a cisgender white male. I can unlock my phone, sign into my bank account, and breeze through border patrol check points using my face with 98 percent accuracy. Facial recognition software is great for people who look like me. Sure, I still face the same existential dangers as everyone else: in the US and China we live in a total surveillance state. Law enforcement can track us without a warrant and put us into categories and groups such as “dissident” or “anti-cop,” without ever investigating us. If I show my face in public, it’s likely I’m being tracked. But that…

This story continues at The Next Web

Study: Facial recognition AI’s alright, if you’re cisgender and white
Source: The Next Web
