Profile of BlueDot, which uses AI to sift through news reports in 65 languages to detect and warn about infectious disease outbreaks like Wuhan Virus (Eric Niiler/Wired)

Profile of BlueDot, which uses AI to sift through news reports in 65 languages to detect and warn about infectious disease outbreaks like Wuhan Virus (Eric Niiler/Wired)

Eric Niiler / Wired:

Profile of BlueDot, which uses AI to sift through news reports in 65 languages to detect and warn about infectious disease outbreaks like Wuhan Virus  —  The BlueDot algorithm scours news reports and airline ticketing data to predict the spread of diseases like those linked to the flu outbreak in China.

Profile of BlueDot, which uses AI to sift through news reports in 65 languages to detect and warn about infectious disease outbreaks like Wuhan Virus (Eric Niiler/Wired)
Source: Tech Meme
