HBO Now subscribers can continue to stream on Amazon after all

HBO Now subscribers can continue to stream on Amazon after all

Amazon and WarnerMedia have struck a new temporary agreement that will allow HBO Now customers to continue streaming on Fire TV while the companies continue negotiations over HBO Max.

Before we go any further, let’s break down this situation. In April, WarnerMedia launched its new crown jewel streaming service, HBO Max. The app was made available everywhere except on Amazon Fire TV and Roku. Two weeks after HBO Max launched, WarnerMedia announced it was getting rid of the HBO Go app. This is how HBO customers who purchased the network via their cable provider could stream content. At the same time, WarnerMedia announced that the HBO Now app would simply become HBO. To quickly summarize: HBO Go is disappearing, HBO Now is becoming HBO,…

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HBO Now subscribers can continue to stream on Amazon after all
Source: New feed
