Netflix is letting people watch things faster or slower with new playback speed controls

Netflix is letting people watch things faster or slower with new playback speed controls

Illustration by Alex Castro / The Verge

Netflix is letting people choose the speed at which they want to watch something on their phone or tablet with new playback controls.

Netflix will allow anyone on an Android mobile device to stream at either 0.5x or 0.75x speeds for slowed-down viewing and 1.25x or 1.5x speeds for faster watching. Those are slightly fewer options than YouTube, which allows people to slow all the way down to 0.25x speeds, and speed up by twice the normal playback speed. Playback speed options are also available on downloaded titles that people have saved for offline viewing.

Subscribers must opt in to use the playback speeds with every single title they want to watch; it won’t just remain active when you pick something else to watch. This prevents…

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Netflix is letting people watch things faster or slower with new playback speed controls
Source: New feed
