LinkedIn tests Snapchat Stories-esque feature called ‘Student Voices’

LinkedIn tests Snapchat Stories-esque feature called ‘Student Voices’

Well, it’s finally happened. LinkedIn finally ripped off Snapchat’s Stories, meaning it joins the illustrious company of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google, WhatsApp, and just about everyone else. The new feature is called “Student Voices,” and resembles Snapchat’s Stories. First spotted by consultant Carlos Gil, LinkedIn has since confirmed, via TechCrunch, that it is in fact working on such a thing. Just like every other site that’s borrowed from Snapchat, LinkedIn is aiming the feature squarely at a youthful demographic. In this case, the audience is college students and recent graduates. You know how this works by now. Students will be able to see…

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LinkedIn tests Snapchat Stories-esque feature called ‘Student Voices’
Source: The Next Web
